RAMP – Risk management Assessment tool for Manual handling Proactively
June 2024: Prolonged course runs for KTH’s open-for-all RAMP online courses until July 31st, 2024!
Due to course followers wishes, we have extended the time for the current run of the three courses to July 31st, 2024. Please note that we will not be able to provide any content support during the extended course time, but you can follow the courses until July 31. We plan to run the courses again in the autumn 2024.
January 2024: RAMP 2.0 launched!
We are happy to announce that as of January 2024, KTH Ergonomics Division has launched the preliminary English version of the Excel programs for the new version of the RAMP tool: the "RAMP 2.0". The Swedish version’s launch is planned for the spring 2024. On this website you can download all three of the new RAMP 2.0 programs and the User manual, all free of charge.
Here are the main new features you will find in the new RAMP 2.0:
- Enhanced application range: This is accomplished mainly with the new Hand model. The RAMP tool can now also be used for MSD risk assessment and risk management of work tasks with repeated force exertion by the hand or fingers, and tasks where the hand is exposed to impact, reaction load, or shock.
- Updated RAMP abbreviation: The enhanced application range, from manual handling to also include work where the hands are used much, is reflected in the new version of what the abbreviation RAMP stands for, which in RAMP 2.0 is “Risk Assessment and Management tool for manual work Proactively.”
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): KPIs, based on RAMP results, can be used to identify and visualize trends in effects of the systematic MSD risk management work and be a support for management teams as part of their basis for informed decision-making and for business management.
- Risk Management Support module: This consists of three parts: one about risk management processes, one where RAMP results from several assessments can be aggregated and visualized at different level of detail (the previous ”Results module”), and the part with KPIs.
- Increased usability in the RAMP II Excel program: The main update is that the assessments are entered directly for each assessment item in the corresponding Risk category sheet and are automatically transferred to the Results section.
- Web-based version: To improve the RAMP tool’s usability, a Web-based version has been developed. We are working now on the final refinements and plan the English version launch for summer 2024, and the Swedish version launch for Autumn 2024. Stay tuned!
We are grateful to receive feedback on this preliminary RAMP 2.0 version until May 15th 2024. Based on user feedback, we plan to update the programs and manual and launch the RAMP 2.0 (version 2.01).
We welcome your reflections at the RAMP support email address: ramp-support@cbh.kth.se .
KTH’s open-for-all RAMP online courses are open for registration and run between February 13 and July 31 2024!
We have adapted the popular, fully online, training package on the RAMP tool to a digital platform hosted by KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
The registration for the three RAMP courses for a new course run is now open! Here are the links to register for the RAMP courses:
RAMP Course 1 – This course runs February 13–July 31, 2024
RAMP Course 2 – This course runs February 27–July 31, 2024
RAMP Course 3 – This course runs March 19–July 31, 2024
Should you have issues with your registration, e.g. if you don’t get a confirmation email, please send an email with the subject title “Activating RAMP course registration” to kursmentor@kth.se
In these three courses, you will learn how to apply the whole risk management process, from risk identification and risk assessment, to concrete action plans and follow-ups. These courses are taken online, are self-paced and are free of charge. You can choose to study each course seperately. Everyone is welcome to register and no specific prerequisites are required.
In RAMP Course 1: Assessment of Work-Related Injury Risks using RAMP I, you get an overview of the entire RAMP tool and you learn to identify and assess musculoskeletal (MSD) risks using the first module in the RAMP tool (RAMP I).
In RAMP Course 2: Risk Management of Work-Related Injuries using RAMP II, you learn to use all four modules in the RAMP tool. This includes, for example, how to present results from risk assessments for different stakeholders within an organisation and how you create action plans for improvement.
In RAMP Course 3: Proficiency in using RAMP for Risk Management of Work-Related Injuries, you practice using all four modules in the RAMP tool and you become skilled in managing the whole risk management process and you will work with authentic cases from the business community.
The Courses were developed with support from; Scania, Avonova, EIT Health, Loods Åkeri, Svenskt Butikskött AB, Ensto Ensek AS and Arla Foods AB.
Here's a video from our main funder, AFA Insurance:
A digitalized version of the RAMP tool is available for download free of charge from this homepage.
Note! Excel 2010 or newer versions of Excel is needed for using the RAMP tool.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Linda Rose.